Kitchen & Pantry
Kitchens are natural traps for clutter and disorganization. By necessity we store lots of items here because we use them daily and it's a central hub for the whole family. Not only do our kitchen counters appear to be perfect homes for everything, but the drawers work even better since their contents are out of sight. Also, we all have food storage areas or pantries. An organized pantry will help you make the best food choices and save money spent on multiple items since you can see what you have available.
Clutter Medics can help you organize your kitchen and pantry!

Cabinet & Closet
How often do you approach your closets with trepidation knowing that what you’re looking for is in there. . .somewhere? Which closet is the most dismal to you–the linen closet, entry closet, hall closet, master closet, or some other dark, spooky recess? Closets are great places to just put things to get them out of sight, but eventually that solution is no longer available. Going through your closets once a year, after they’ve been purged and organized, will keep them neat and tidy, as well as functional.
Clutter Medics can help you organize your closets for optimal use.
Bedroom & Bathroom
The otherwise unused space in bedrooms and bathrooms often attract lots of extra stuff. It’s common to find piles of clothes, shoes, purses, laundry, papers, magazines, books. Am I right? Well, you’re not alone. Also, the mornings in many households are hectic, which leaves bathrooms in a pretty chaotic state.
Clutter Medics can help you organize your personal space into your ideal sanctuary!

Filing System
Do you have a system in place or do you just pile up the massive amounts of paperwork that comes your way? Have you ever missed a payment just because the bill got buried within a lot of other things? Is your permanent paper file accessible and organized or do you struggle to easily locate your important documents? If so, you'll really appreciate our being able to create a simple, logical solution whether you have a home office or not. You will wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.
Clutter Medics can help you organize your files and important documents!

Home Office
As a small business owner working from home you’ve probably come to realize the necessity of having your home-based office being optimally organized. You’ve probably wondered how everything got so cluttered. Not only is it preventing you from working at peak efficiency and with a clear mind, it can cost you money and add stress to your life.
Clutter Medics can help you increase your profitability and effectiveness by helping you optimizing your space, time and systems.

Hobby Space or Spare Rooms
Do you have a spare room or maybe a unique area for your special activities and hobbies? These areas might have been initially conceived to be a place you could invite guests to stay but otherwise are used to do all those hobbies we humans like to do. We truly want to create and get things done. The room starts out orderly and pleasant but can quickly evolve into more of a mess. Let me help you install closet systems, shelving or other storage options.
Clutter Medics can help you organize any areas of your home and life!

Garage & Yard
Garages can serve many purposes. Initially, we park our cars inside to stay out of the glaring sun or freezing snow. But what about the surrounding space? It gets filled with outside gear and toys, bicycles, a lawnmower, garden tools and supplies, home improvement stuff, paint, cleansers, holiday decorations, party and picnic supplies, and boxes of stuff that just don’t fit in the house (see above). It is the catchall for so many items whether they belong there or not. Garages certainly can get crazy to the point that your car no longer even thinks about fitting inside.
Clutter Medics can help you get rid of the clutter and organize the essentials.

Moving Preparation & Unpacking
Organizing and planning can make a monumental difference when you arrive at your new home and begin unpacking. The alternative is inefficient packing, inefficient moving, and undue chaos during the unpacking. Now is the time to convert your clutter into clarity and organization. Together, we can optimize your moving boxes and your moving experience.
Clutter Medics can help you prepare for your move and unpacking.

Vehicle Organization
If you have children, then your car is likely to be riddled in Cheerios, raisins, and an assortment of fast food wrappers. Or, perhaps you are just a very busy person or work out of your car or van. In any event, you need a way to keep all those things you carry around organized. Well, there are several easy solutions that you can adopt to keep things organized and efficient.
Clutter Medics can help you organize your vehicle.
How many shoes do you own that you never or rarely wear? What about coats or scarves or ties? Start with the obvious items, one drawer at a time, it can give you the boost you need to start making bigger changes.
Do not think about what they cost, focus on the space they require or their usefulness.